PowerShell script om JndiLookup.class uit jar-files te verwijderen (LOG4J- kwetsbaarheid)



Onze technisch consultant security Nico Agten heeft op GitHub een script publiek gesteld om binnen jouw IT-omgeving alle Windows folders te scannen op jar-files die mogelijk vulnerable zijn en past een mitigatie toe (JndiLookup class verwijderen van Jar-file). Dit bespaart je tijd en zorgt voor een snelle oplossing.


Voor het script en meer info zie: https://github.com/nagten/JndiLookupRemoval






PowerShell script to Remove JndiLookup.class from Jar-files to remediate LOG4J Vulnerability (CVE-2021-44228 and CVE-2021-45046). Script will use built-in compression library of Windows therefore no need to install 3rd party zip-utilities.


This PowerShell script will scan all Fixed local drives to discover potential vulnerable Jar-files that contain the JndiLookup class and remove it from the Jar-file, please patch to 2.17.0 or later as soon as possible to completely fix the vulnerability this is only a mitigation until application vendors release patches for their products.


See https://logging.apache.org/log4j/2.x/security.html


Implement one of the following mitigation techniques:

  •  Java 8 (or later) users should upgrade to release 2.16.0.
  • Java 7 users should upgrade to release 2.12.2.
  • Otherwise, in any release other than 2.16.0, you may remove the JndiLookup class from the classpath: zip -q -d log4j-core-*.jar org/apache/logging/log4j/core/lookup/JndiLookup.class



  • Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 or higher.




Update variable $ExcludedFiles to include newer released versions that are not vulnerable.


If one only wants to scan files that use LOG4J naming convention please comment line 40 and uncomment line 42 (-Include log4j-core-*.jar instead of -Include *.jar)


Run script .\JndiLookupRemoval.ps1




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